Friday, February 27, 2015

Do You Allow Others To Determine Your Worth or Are You Ready To Determine Your Worth? Let's Get Started!

Do you think about your worth?

 Do you think about how important or valuable you feel? 

Are they days when like yourself – the way you look, the good grade you got on a test, or the cool text someone sent you?  Are there days when you struggle with low self-worth – you’re  not satisfied with your appearance, you wish you had better friends, or you just don’t feel like anyone really cares about you?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are not alone! From the moment we get up in the morning until we go to sleep, most of us are constantly taking in messages from all around us which contribute to our worth.
Messages about our worth come from everywhere!

Some of the messages come to us directly from our friends, parents/guardians, teachers, coaches, and individuals in our social networking worlds.  Either face to face or through electronic communications, we integrate others’ thoughts about us into our beings.  Those opinions might be positive causing us to feel really good about ourselves.  Hey, great job on your report card!  - I love your outfit! – You’re the best friend anyone could ever have!  Or, some messages can be really negative which will lower our esteem and worth. You failed another test; what’s wrong with you?  - You’re such a looser; you don’t have any friends.  - That jacket you’re wearing looks so stupid!  

Other messages that strongly influence our worth come to us indirectly. What do I mean by that? All you have to do is look around. What kinds of images do you see on the pages of magazines, in movies or TV, on videos, or in most advertisements?  We see perfect people striving to have perfect lives! As we look at and take in the messages of what is popular, attractive, and desirable, each of us subconsciously begins to compare and evaluate our worth to the standard that is being set for us.  If we feel we measure up, even just a little, we feel pretty good. However, if we don’t quite look a certain way or if we feel that we can’t achieve what someone else has, we feel “less than”. 

You can take charge of your worth!

If you want to change how you feel about yourself, if you want to take charge of your value, you have two important decisions to make.

First, are you willing to define your own worth?

Secondly, are you willing to be selective about how and in whom or what you invest yourself?   

Think about these two questions!  Think hard! And then, get ready.

  Next time,  you'll learn how to start defining your own worth! 

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